Regularly I am delivered source files that use images with several variations of color profiles. While some of these profiles can range from CMYK, Grey scale or even LAB, when building digital content I like to make sure everything is RGB to produce a great user experience. Without opening every image in an application like Adobe Photoshop or building a shell script that identifies the profile with something like ImageMagick I wanted a built-in way to identify what the profile is. Below you will find my solution to identify color profiles by utilizing SIPs and Mac's labeling system. The script works by requesting the user to choose a directory and it will detect any file with a certain extension defined in the property imgCluster
property jpgGroup : {"jpg", "jpeg", "JPG", "JPEG"}
property pngGroup : {"png", "PNG"}
property bmpGroup : {"bmp", "BMP"}
property tifGroup : {"tif", "TIF", "tiff", "TIFF"}
property imgCluster : jpgGroup & pngGroup & bmpGroup & tifGroup
The full script: