
You have mail in the Mac Terminal

What can I do when my Mac terminal tells me "You have mail"?

Find what is installed by HomeBrew

Recently I upgraded to macOS Mojave and I found that after my upgrade that Homebrew was no longer installed but did that mean the packages were no longer there?

Customizing the Mac Terminal hostname

It is fun using the Terminal on a Mac but I do not think there is a reason for the Terminal to tell me my username so n this post I let's have some fun changing the hostname.

Mac keyboard shortcuts

In this article are Mac keyboard shortcuts and their respected entity values for reference.

Show all hidden files and folders in Mac’s Yosemite

Today's post I will show you how to enable the visibility of all hidden files and folders on a Mac that is running the Yosemite operating system.

Installing Homebrew and Imagemagick on Yosemite

Today's post will show you how to install Homebrew and ImageMagick via the terminal on a Mac running the Yosemite operating system.

Bash script to convert TIFFs into JPGs

Sometimes I will receive TIF images and while there is nothing wrong with TIFFs I prefer to use JPGs in my digital content.

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