
Using Math Operators in AppleScript

How can you do basic math operations in AppleScript?

What are the different AppleScript comparison operators for strings

In AppleScript's Script Editor how can you compare two strings of text?

Show AppleScript Icon in the Menu Bar

How can I show the AppleScript button in my menu bar?

Verifying what is contained in a list or record using AppleScript

AppleScript does and doesn't contain are great when evaluating what is in lists, records and text objects.

Removing duplicates in a AppleScript list or record

Removing duplicate entries in a list or record using AppleScript is not a complicated task.

AppleScript operator table cheat sheet

A handy table detailing several of the operators that can be used to write AppleScript.

Implementing D.R.Y. when it comes to display

In AppleScript I find it a good practice to indicate what is going on or to call on what the script or application should be doing but is there an easier way then defaulting to a display notification or display dialog?

Compare lists in AppleScript

Is there a way in AppleScript you can compare two lists to find what is missing in the second list?

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