If you've ever done any web development you may have created or accessed an .htaccess file or two. Like many operating systems there is a different approach to simply telling the OS show all hidden files but today I will show you how through the terminal. Let's start by closing out all Finder windows. Once all finder windows are closed navigate to your Application's utility directory to find terminal.app.
Do note that depending on your operating system you may have noticed when you try the suggested method of showing hidden files it may not work:
defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
When you try the above line in Yosemite's terminal it will not work but can be corrected with one simple adjustment by the capitalization of Finder:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
After copying the above line of code and pasting it into your terminal you will have to reboot Finder. To reboot Finder, hold down option+ clicking the Finder icon at the same time in your dock and selecting Relaunch. After Finder reboots you should quickly see the creation of the pesky .DS_Store file. Maybe one day someone will create an AppleScript to delete the .DS_Store file in timed intervals.